In terms of private study tasks, you should have completed:
- The note taking on the different videos in the Bridging Work post.
- the Berger essay
and set last week:
- outline of how you would report the A Level results in a school.
- Saussure and Barthes research
It was very obvious this morning who had completed the last task.
As for the other one, put it on your blog.
Some of you have been excellent at completing set tasks. For others, I haven't seen any of the work and shall follow the usual procedures to raise concerns.
1. Semiotics / Saussure / Peirce videos:
And this is pretty useful too:
2. Roland Barthes. Watch these again!
In order to complete set work, a few more resources:
The task is to analyse / deconstruct the evolution of James Bond as A TEXT.
Finally, complete your reading and notes and your research on Stuart Hall's Reception Theory.
Extra: That Charlie Brooker episode on fear: