Wednesday 17 January 2018

Home-study due in by Saturday 20th January and Wednesday 24th January

1. By this weekend, make sure I have your work on the 2 set front pages (Mirror and The Times), either via your blog or email me.

2. For those of you who do not have a copy of the paper on Genre Theory, you can find it here:

Read it carefully (not the night before). I know most of you have done so already. You will need to answer questions on it next week.

3. Read the notes distributed today on The Times. Not everything will make sense as we have not covered all the theory mentioned yet but make sure you look at the product context and the section on Media Language and Representation. You can use these notes to complete you analysis (see 1. above).

Next week, we will do a little more work on Photoshop, complete our study of the Mirror set text (the transcript of the copy - inside pages) and work on the Genre paper linked above.

Ask if you are unsure about anything.