Thursday, 2 May 2019

Work due in Wednesday - Music Magazine research and Pitch

NEA Research - Music Magazines and pitches

1. Complete the work started in class on music magazine research, ready to present what you have learnt next week.
- Collate pictures of music magazine front covers and DPS, group them or classifying by style or subgenre, or demographics.

What emerges? Write up your findings about the codes and conventions of music magazines
You could annotate a couple of your pictures for example.

- Research media packs / media kits for two or more music magazines (such packs are put together for advertisers so you learn a great deal about the intended / imagined / ideal target audience for each product).
Compare the findings for two different magazines.
What emerges? Write up your findings / Capture the evidence.

- Which of the music magazines would be most likely to feature your artist and why / how do you know?
Refer to your star text, use pictures etc

- Focus on the house-style of a couple of front covers from this magazine. How is the house-style constructed? Write up findings or annotate a couple of pictures.

2. Song choices
Kai, I think we can go with your Frank Ocean choice (we've decided that the Vimeo video is just silly and since there is no official video, go for it.)
Sahil, is there any way we can steer you in another direction? We think that you need something more defined within a music genre / subgenre. Do have a look at Arcade Fire whom I mentioned previously (some of their songs do not have a video attached and we can shorten them if needed).

Arcade Fire

Or something even more 'rock'. Or 'quirky' / sophisticated / mature female artist, a bit like Florence and the Machines or Tori Amos.

3. 'Mock' PITCH - Wednesday 8th May
You have a list of all the work that must be done already. Here, we will need to get a very clear picture of your artist. If you don't yet have a name for him / her, give them a 'working' name.

The pitch / treatment must let us see what he / she is like and what their audience is like, what the music video will be like, what kind of music magazine you will create. You will need lots of pictures to make us 'see' your vision (style / shot types, mise-en-scene, costumes, locations, similar artists / videos etc). PPTs are fine or just present from a blog post - you will have the board.

Your presentation will be followed by a Q+A. Mr James and I will ask questions to probe your ideas but your peers will hopefully give you feedback too. It is very important you take notes while this part is happening so you remember the feedback received to help you adjust your planning.

Examples of basic pitches: (good detail but not enough pictures) and here is the recording of his pitch:

Look at Trisha's other research and planning work:

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